'Quit' exits from SAM Virus Clinic. Not available because the Results Window is empty. 'Print' displays the Print Options dialog box where you can change the printing options before you print the contents of the Results Window. Not available because the Results Window is empty. 'Print1' prints the contents of the Results Window to the currently selected printer without displaying the Print Options dialog box. Not available. 'Page Setup' displays the standard Macintosh Page Setup dialog box where you can change the current print options. Not available because the Results Window is empty. 'Export' saves the contents of the Results Window to a text file. You can open the text file with standard Macintosh word processing applications. Not available. 'Delete File' displays a standard file selection dialog. Any file chosen from this dialog is deleted. Not available because there is no removable volume selected in the Mounted Volumes Area. 'Eject' ejects any removables selected in the Mounted Volumes Area from their drives. File menu Use this menu to manage your mounted volumes and the files on those volumes in SAM Virus Clinic.